Below is a poem I wrote in 2008 as part of a high school poetry class assignment. This poem has always held a special place in my heart, and it is one I go back to regularly as a way of remembering who I really am. I hope this poem gives you a little glimpse into my life growing up as a farm kid in New Hampshire, but I also hope it causes you to think about all the beautiful experiences you've had over your lifetime that makes you into the special person you are. What people, places, or things would you include in your poem?

Where I am From
By Lindsay (Jones) Matras
I am from mud pies and playhouses
And sweet smells from hay forts
I am from capture the flag on warm summer nights
And rock picking in the garden for ice cream
I am from the "Lordy Fordy Road"
And taking long nature walks
I am from skiing while it is snowing
And eating peas off the pod
I am from spending Sunday nights
In the barn with those I love
I am from drawing while sitting
On five gallon buckets with my sister
I am from Grandpa in his wheelchair
Speeding down the road
With me holding onto his neck
Telling him to go faster
I am from neighbors of greenhouses
And woods on both sides of the road
I am from fighting
The growth of houses
I am from tractors
In the background of every picture
I am from chocolate cake
Making an appearance at every birthday
I am from Loon Pond
And swimming every summer
I am from strawberry shortcake
And the large maple in the yard
I am from hard work
Which has built in me character
I am from the Bible
Giving me hope and salvation
Now I am in boxes with my dolls
With memories folded in their dresses
I am between the pages of storybooks
Where fond smiles awaken at their words

Aw what sweet memories!